Basic knowledge
- Is quitt an app? Yes and no.
- How do I upload a copy of the ID card for the application of the AHV number of my domestic help in the customer area?
- Can I employ my domestic staff in different locations?
- On what occasions must I grant my employee time off?
- How does the break regulation work?
- What happens to the employment contract upon the death of the employer?
Continuation of wage payment
Gross / net wage
Wage deductions
- How to calculate the BVG deductions? (2025)
- Tax-free amount Pensioners 2024
- Why was my employee’s salary not paid out?
- How to calculate the BVG deductions? (2024)
- Why do monetary gifts only have to be reported on the salary statement above CHF 500.00?
- What information is required for the calculation of withholding tax?
- Can I dismiss my household help because of the Corona pandemic?
- What if my domestic help cannot come because she/he has to take care of her/his children?
- As a private employer, can I also apply for short-time work compensation from the relevant cantonal unemployment insurance?
- Can I force my household help to take holidays?
- Is the employee alowed to refrain from the work for safety reasons?
- For safety reasons, the employer would like to refrain from the work of domestic help. Must the employer continue to pay the wage?