If you have a monthly wage contract with your employees, then you as the employer must contact us and we will adjust the wage or cancel it.
If you have an hourly wage contract with your employees, then you can delete the hours yourself.
Please note the following information regarding unpaid vacations:
For both types of contracts, non-occupational accident (NBU) coverage applies for a maximum of 30 days of unpaid vacation.
If the unpaid vacation lasts longer than 31 days, then employees must conclude an interim-accident insurance in order to continue to be insured against non-occupational accidents.
In addition, a report is made to the pension fund. If the unpaid vacation lasts longer than 31 days, the 2nd pillar is no longer insured.
We would like to remind you to the fact that unpaid vacations must be reported to quitt before they are taken.
If no salary payment is made, no social security deductions can be made. (AHV, IV, EO)